Dead Grooms Make Great Brides … Conclusion

A: So, a wife’s life is her husband’s. But then, at the same time, the life of the man is now lived by giving life to his wife. The way he lives now is to make his wife live. The way people will know that the husband is alive is by seeing the wife alive. The wife is now a proof of the husband while the husband is her life. The husband is her power and she is the expression of his character. If people don’t come to the husband (Christ), it is because of the poor expression that the wife (the church) is giving.
Q: Hmm… A wife is a reflection of the personality or being of the husband, if I understand you correctly, sir.
A: Yes sir.

Eve took cover under her husband and by so, her personal sin rode on the authority of her husband to affect the entire world, forever. The bride of Christ only enjoys power to change the world as she submits to Christ.
And so the Bible says that a woman is the glory of her husband.
Proverbs 12:4 A virtuous woman [is] a crown to her husband:

Many do not realize that Proverbs 31 is actually about the man. It is actually a set of instructions for the Proverbs 31 man. The description of the Proverbs 31 woman is actually the reflection of the personality of the Proverbs 31 man. The man is the type of woman who creates the environment … who pours so much of his life into his wife, that she turns into this powerful maximally fulfilled woman who seems to be able to accomplish anything. Does that sound like an Old Testament version of “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me?
It does to me.
Proverbs 31 from v 10 on, talks about the Proverbs 31 woman but it was not talking to her, rather talking to her man … a talk which started from v1. And check out the last verse.
Prov 31:31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
It is still an instruction to continue to pour life into his wife.
Q: Hmm…Thank you so much sir. I need some time to digest this sir
A: And he said to praise her at the gates …

Prov 31:23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

The same gates where he is being honoured amongst the wise influencers and power holders, he is to make sure that his wife’s name is heared in good light. He creates a good rep for her even where she does not have access to.
Sounds to me like what Jesus is currently doing for the church now before the father.
It is because Jesus is with the father that the church is with the father.

…. we are seated in Christ with God.
Because most men of this generation have little or no clue of what “this” is. We think it means oppressive possession instead of a sustaining or empowering possession … like keeping a balloon by pouring the air in your lungs into it constantly.
Q: Could you believe I’ve been using that scripture Prov 31 to challenge ladies?😄😄 I challenge them to take responsibility and not just depend solely on a man to meet all their needs without them doing anything
A: Oh, you are still right. It is a challenge to ladies to be all that they can be.
But it also challenges them to find that man who provides that sacrifice of himself so that he can be poured into his wife, so that she can be all that she is meant to be.

You are still right. As the man gives her the empowering atmosphere, she should take his gift and multiply it as a woman is naturally equipped to do.
And it challenges the man to be that kind of man for her. One who is happy and content to only be what he can be through his wife. Allowing her to be his sole visible expression.

So to answer that your question I told you to cool down over, 😁it is impossible for a man to be all of this for a woman that is not his wife in all of the sense that we have discussed because a part of it is tied to the two of them entering a covenant where they are both dead. The woman dies to herself by submitting to her husband and the man dies to himself by pouring his life into his wife and lives through her.
But … just as Christ demonstrated his love by being willing to be sacrificed and actually sacrificing for us while we were yet sinners, a man can demonstrate the kind of commitment he is ready to make to a woman while she is yet his girlfriend or fiancée.
in this wise, marriage is simply accepting this gift and by that entering into a covenant relationship called marriage, just as our relationship with Christ is accepting His gift of salvation and by that entering into that covenant relationship called the Christian faith.
And meeeehn … both require a total commitment to live like your life is not your own. Like you are dead.
This is where most of our troubles arise … we are too alive.
Q: I need to really calm down and lay down my ego and stop giving excuses. You’ve given lots of assignments this month.
A: We all have that assignment, sir … it never ends.

Daniel Oyanna is a conference speaker on relationships, health, faith and other subjects and a Pastor and teacher blessed by God with a grace to make things easy to understand. He is the author of the book To Date or Not to Date, Instructions in Submission, Crushing the Crushers, several mini-books most of which are free. He started UnLimited to help people reach their God-given goals by walking with them to their finish line. He is reachable at

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