God is interested in You

God is interested in you more than you think. For Him to allow his only son to die for you shows that you did get His attention so stop going to Him as if you are a necessary evil that is taking his precious time away from more important things.

The thoughts He has for you are of good and not evil to give you that end you so desire and DESERVE. Deserve, yes, because He said he has made us worthy to be called sons.


He said that you should come boldly to His throne of grace to get help when you need it. He said that he is your father and you are his child and when you ask for fish,He will not give you a serpent or when you ask for bread, a stone. He said he knows how to give good gifts to you and when you put your trust in him, you will NEVER be put to shame.

He said that he will sustain you, strengthen you and beautify you. He will make you the joy of many nations and Kings shall come to the brightness of your rising. See, you will definitively rise above that situation for He has made you more than a conqueror through Christ.

So next time you go to Him, enter His presence with singing and His courts with praise in all boldness because the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Mighty One, the Alpha and Omega, the One that the mountains bow to and the oceans dance in anticipation of, the One whose name is above every other, the One who uses the earth as His footstool is YOUR FATHER AND YOUR GOD.

If you are not His child yet,then you are missing out from the love of the best Dad in the whole universe and I mean it. All you need to do is believe that this awesome Dad sent his only son to die for you. He shed His blood for you as a payment for your sin and on the third day, he rose from the dead so that you can also be a part of this awesome family. Accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Saviour and confess Him with your mouth that He is Lord over your life and start an awesome journey with this family.
Praise God.

Dr Linda Oyanna is a public speaker on health, relationship, marriage and family. She is a mother figure, mentor and role model for several young ladies who desire the balance she has been able to achieve among her many roles.

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