Heart strings and Purse Strings

Q and A with Daniel Oyanna

I saw a video a while ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykjzrrPs5pA …. and we had the ensuing discussion. I trust you will learn something.

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Q: I just saw the video and I am spellbound.
I have questions though

A: What be thy questions… sister of mine?

Q: ☺ Good afternoon Sir.
Having watched the video, I understand the lessons it aims to teach such as ‘not looking down on a person’s current circumstance, kindness especially in speech’, amongst other things.
But it makes me wonder if it’s always the best decision to stay with a man or woman in such circumstances.

A: What is the basis for measuring what is the best line of action?

Q: Well… I’m not sure.

A: 🙂 Smart play.
Well, it will depend on who is looking at it and his point of view.
If I’m focused on myself, I’ll look at what’s best for me. At end of the day, other people looking at the story will either look at it with the same viewpoint and praise me for being smart, or look at it from the other person’s viewpoint and label me self-centered.
If I’m focused on the other person, I will look at what’s best for him. Other people looking in will either consider me kind and supportive if they’re also looking the way I’m looking or they will consider me a fool if they are looking out for me.
But … There is another way to look at things … God’s way.
If I’m looking at any matter from God’s view point, then it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else is thinking about my good or the other person’s good. It means I have to find out what God wants me to do and do that.
My actions would not be based on the current circumstances, no matter how bad and no matter how good. It would be based on God’s instructions and if he says to walk away, I must. But if he says to stay, I must.
People will interpret my actions one way or the other, that is fine. As long as I am doing what I am sure God wants me to do … trusting in the fact that He knows what’s best for me and the other person in the relationship and that He is out for our highest good.

Q: I understand this Sir.

A: 👍🏽

Q: I originally thought about this as a decision to be made by a person who isn’t a Christian. But I guess, this really is the best way to look at it.
Thank you Sir.

A: Well, if the person is not a Christian and thus has no access to insight from God, it would be important to find out if the love they share is genuine.
If that is so, then I would explore what the issue is from the guy’s end. If he is a loafer, then I would advise the lady to leave so that she doesn’t waste her life although I would not support running the guy down.
But if the guy is merely having a hard time, I will encourage her to support him. I would chip in with job connections, if I have them, to give him the opportunity to prove himself worthy of the commitment and investment.

Q: Hmmmm


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Daniel Oyanna is a conference speaker on relationships, health, faith and other subjects and a Pastor and teacher blessed by God with a grace to make things easy to understand. He is the author of the book To Date or Not to Date. He founded UnLimited to help people reach their God-given goals by walking with them to their finish line. He is reachable at pd_lionunlimited@yahoo.com

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